Windows Communication Foundation Unleashed артикул 201a.
Windows Communication Foundation Unleashed артикул 201a.

"Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)" is a new Microsoft technology for allowing software to communicate Superseding earlier technologies, such as COM/DCOM, NET Remoting, ASP NET Web Services, and the Web Services Enhancements for NET, WCF provides a single solution that is designed to always be the best way to exchange data объшб among software entities It also provides the infrastructure for developing the next generation of Web services, with support for the WS-* family of specifications, and a new serialization system for enhanced performance For information technology professionals, WCF supplies an impressive array of administration tools that enterprises and software vendors can use to reduce the cost of ownership of their solutions without writing a single line of code Most important, WCF finally delivers on the long-postponed promise of model-driven software development with the new software factory approach, by which one can iteratively design solutions in a modeling language and generate executables from lower-level class libraries "Windows Communication Foundation Unleashed" is designed to be the best resource for software developers and architects working with WCF The book guides readers toward a conceptual understanding of all the facilities of WCF and provides step-by-step guides to applying the technology to practical problems Introduces you to WCF and then takes you deep inside the technology Gives you nearly 100 best practices for programming with WCF Provides detailed coverage on how to version services that you will not find anywhere else Delves into using WCF together with Windows Workflow Foundation and Windows CardSpace Provides detailed coverage of the new high-performance data contract serializer for NET Walks you through how to do secure, reliable, transacted messaging, and how to understand the options available Introduces you to federated, claims-based security, and shows you how to incorporate SAML and WS-Trust security token services into your architecture Provides step-by-step instructions for how to customize every aspect of WCF Shows you how to add your own behaviors, communication channels, message encoders, and transports Gives you options for implementing publish/subscribe solutions Walks you through how to do peer-to-peer communications with WCF As evangelists at Microsoft for WCF, Craig McMurtry, Marc Mercuri, Nigel Watling, and Matt Winkler are uniquely positioned to write this book They had access to the product as it was being built and to the development team itself Their work with enterprises and outside software vendors has given them insight into how others see the software, how they want to apply it, and the challenges they face in doing so Авторы (показать всех авторов) Craig McMurtry Craig McMurtry Marc Mercuri Marc Mercuri Nigel Watling Nigel Watling.  Pass   57.1   Bett   Bett2007 г Мягкая обложка, 720 стр ISBN 0672329484 Язык: Английский.

QNX Momentics: основы применения (+ CD-ROM) артикул 203a.
QNX Momentics: основы применения (+ CD-ROM) артикул 203a.

Рассмотрена логика работы операционной системы реального времени QNX Neutrino, состав и назначение инструментария QNX Momentics Professional Edition Приводится описание организации управления объшж ресурсами компьютера, возможностей сетевого протокола Qnet и особенностей реализации стека TCP/IP Рассмотрены вопросы формирования и профилирования загружаемых образов QNX Neutrino для встраиваемых систем Компакт-диск, прилагаемый к книге, содержит ряд полезных программ для QNX Neutrino, включая популярные СУБД, файловые менеджеры, текстовые редакторы, игры, библиотеки для обработки данных различных форматов и многое другое Для разработчиков, студентов и преподавателей вузов Автор Сергей Зыль.  отде   Шуре   Your   SkagИздательство: БХВ-Петербург, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 256 стр ISBN 5-94157-430-4 Тираж: 1000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х217 мм).

Michel Corboz Mozart Requiem In D Minor, K 626 артикул 205a.
Michel Corboz Mozart Requiem In D Minor, K 626 артикул 205a.

Автор музыки: Вольфганг Моцарт Все исполнители Издание содержит небольшой буклет с дополнительной информацией на английском, французском и немецком языках Содержание объшп 1 Requiem - Kyrie 2 Dies Irae 3 Tuba Mirum 4 Rex Tremendae 5 Recordare 6 Confutatis 7 Lacrimosa 8 Domine Jesu 9 Hostias 10 Sanctus 11 Benedictus 12 Agnus Dei 13 Lux Aeterna Исполнители (показать всех исполнителей) Мишель Корбоц Michel Corboz Elly Ameling Луис Дэвос Louis Devos.  Вятк   Unit   Семе   словСерия: Apex.

Праздник штруделей Домашняя премьера артикул 207a.
Праздник штруделей Домашняя премьера артикул 207a.

Это очень вкусно, это очень по-домашнему: кусочек яблочного или вишневого штруделя и чашечка кофе со сливками Не подумайте, что мы предлагаем вам сходить в близлежащую кофейню объшт Сотворите штрудель сами Его аромат, вид и вкус сразу перенесут ваших домашних в любой дивный уголок земли, о котором они всю жизнь мечтали Автор Александр Селезнев Абсолютный чемпион России по кондитерскому мастерству, лауреат Кубка Мира по кулинарии в Люксембурге, золотой призер чемпионатов России по кондитерскому искусству, шеф-директор "Кондитерского дома Александра Селезнева".  Mari   Stop   Yves   MexoСерия: Кулинарные праздники.

Секреты гибкости Полная амплитуда движений артикул 209a.
Секреты гибкости Полная амплитуда движений артикул 209a.

В книгу включен комплекс физических упражнений для развития гибкости тела Кроме упражнений в книге приведен список продуктов, богатых кальцием и железом - двумя жизненно объшх важными веществами, укрепляющими костно - мышечную систему Рецепты блюд добавляют рекомендации специалистов Содержание Секреты гибкости Полная амплитуда движений (переводчик: В Орехов) Статья c 6-141 Предметный указатель Справочные Материалы c 142-143.  Mois   Terr   Robe   DreaСерия: Здоровый образ жизни.

Календарь 2008 (листовое издание) Самые знаменитые замки мира артикул 211a.
Календарь 2008 (листовое издание) Самые знаменитые замки мира артикул 211a.

Вашему вниманию предлагается настольный календарь «Самые знаменитые замки мира» в оригинальном дизайне Календарь представлен на двусторонних листах, оформленных красивыми объщв фотографиями замков; на одном листе – два месяца Листы календаря упакованы в коробку Jewel Case.  Barb   Maxt   stop   CanoИздательство: АСТ, 2007 г Коробка, 14 стр.

И С Бах Маленькие прелюдии и фугетты для фортепиано артикул 213a.
И С Бах Маленькие прелюдии и фугетты для фортепиано артикул 213a.

Редактор: Сергей Мовчан Издание содержит маленькие прелюдии и фугетты для фортепиано И С Баха Что внутри? Содержание 1 Автор Иоганн Себастьян Бах Johann Sebastian Bach Детские годы провел объщж в Эйзенахе, в 1695—1702 учился в Ордруфе и Люнебурге В 17-летнем возрасте играл на органе, клавире, скрипке, альте, пел в хоре, был помощником кантора В 1703—07 органист Нойкирхе в Арнштадте, в 1707—08 органист Блазиускирхе в.  Nadi   Rand   Жадь   1280Издательство: Музыка, 2009 г Мягкая обложка, 64 стр ISBN 978-5-7140-0877-1 Тираж: 500 экз Формат: 60x90/8 (~220х290 мм).

П Чайковский Сочинения Облегченное переложение для фортепиано в 4 руки артикул 215a.
П Чайковский Сочинения Облегченное переложение для фортепиано в 4 руки артикул 215a.

Предлагаемый сборник содержит фрагменты фортепианных пьес, романсов, симфонических произведений, опер и балетов, изложенные для фортепиано в 4 руки Предназначается для объщл ансамблевого музицирования в младших классах ДМШ Что внутри? Содержание 1 Автор Петр Чайковский Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky Петр Ильич Чайковский родился 7 мая (25 апреля по старому стилю) в уральском городе Воткинске, в семье горного инженера Тяга к музицированию и незаурядные способности проявились в мальчике с раннего детства, однако, когда ему исполнилось 10 лет,.  Iron   Lowl   Morn   RobeИздательства: Музыкальное издательство "П Юргенсон", Музыка, 2010 г Мягкая обложка, 40 стр ISBN 978-5-9720-0013-5 Тираж: 500 экз Формат: 70x100/16 (~167x236 мм).

П Чайковский Вальс-скерцо для скрипки с оркестром Соч 34 (ЧС 60) Клавир артикул 217a.
П Чайковский Вальс-скерцо для скрипки с оркестром Соч 34 (ЧС 60) Клавир артикул 217a.

Популярное произведение великого русского композитора-классика К изданию прилагается брошюра "Вальс-скерцо Для скрипки с оркестром Соч 34 (ЧС 60) Партия скрипки" Для объщц студентов музыкальных училищ и консерваторий, а также для концертирующих исполнителей Автор Петр Чайковский Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky Петр Ильич Чайковский родился 7 мая (25 апреля по старому стилю) в уральском городе Воткинске, в семье горного инженера Тяга к музицированию и незаурядные способности проявились в мальчике с раннего детства, однако, когда ему исполнилось 10 лет,.  Enco   Мвкд   Соде   AmarИздательство: Музыкальное издательство "П Юргенсон", 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 12 стр ISBN 978-5-9720-0083-8 Тираж: 300 экз Формат: 60x100/8 (~247x290 мм).

Равель Цыганка Рапсодия для скрипки с оркестром Клавир артикул 219a.
Равель Цыганка Рапсодия для скрипки с оркестром Клавир артикул 219a.

Одно из лучших произведений мирового скрипичного репертуара, постоянно звучащее на концертной эстраде Для студентов консерваторий и концертирующих исполнителей Автор объщы Морис Равель Maurice Ravel Морис Равель родился в городе Сибуре (Нижние Пиренеи) С семи лет он училcя игре на фортепьяно, в четырнадцать поступил в Парижскую консерваторию В студенческие годы Равель создал несколько оригинальных сочинений ("Слуховые ландшафты" для двух.  Geni   Wind   Alex   БаркСерия: Шедевры мировой классики.

Ravel: Tzigane: Rhapsody for Violin and Orchestra: Piano Score.
Essential Environments : Discover How to Create Healthy Living Spaces (Essential Living series) артикул 4801a.
Essential Environments : Discover How to Create Healthy Living Spaces (Essential Living series) артикул 4801a.

Book Description How to create healthy living spaces, promote wellness through positive lifestyle choices, and avoid the assault of chemical toxins are among the simple and smart solutions included in this handbook to incorporating the healing force of nature into daily life Products and practices that are kind to the environment are featured овкгг with healthy alternatives to such potentially harmful products as laundry detergent, toothpaste, and deodorant Suggestions for redesigning the home, office, and yard to create toxic-free spaces are complemented by information on eating healthier foods that have minimal environmental impact.  Bald   Digi   Chec   разг2004 г 150 стр ISBN 0967984386.

Medicine, Mythology, and Spirituality: Recollecting the Past and Willing the Future артикул 4803a.
Medicine, Mythology, and Spirituality: Recollecting the Past and Willing the Future артикул 4803a.

Book DescriptionIn his discussion of the art of healing, Ralph Twentyman places the problems of modern medicine in the context of the evolution of consciousness and the modern crisis of selfhood and community He relates this to todays all-too-common experience of loneliness in relation to the experience of individuality In contrast, he points овкги to the dawning vision of humankind as a "true being" it itselfa living organism The illnesses that characterize our time are looked at within the context of these birth pangs of a new era of evolution and consciousness.  EHLP   Tatt   Svia   Davi2004 г 118 стр ISBN 1855841827.

Heart Disease for Dummies артикул 4805a.
Heart Disease for Dummies артикул 4805a.

Book DescriptionThe startling truth is, one American dies of heart disease every 33 seconds—almost one million deaths each year—and almost one in four Americans has one or more types of heart disease However, it’s also true that it is possible to prevent, treat, and even reverse heart disease—and this plain English guide shows you how! овкгк Heart Disease For Dummies is for anyone who has been diagnosed with a form of cardiovascular disease, knows someone who has, or who wants to learn more about staying heart healthy and preventing the disease Leading cardiologist Dr James Rippe delivers the scoop on the many different forms of heart disease (including angina, heart attacks, arrhythmias, strokes, heart failure, and other cardiac conditions) as well as the latest research, diagnostic techniques, treatment procedures, and medications You’ll discover how to: Recognize the risk factors and warning signs of a heart attack Determine if you h ave heart disease Distinguish between angina, heart attack, and stroke Maximize your cardiac function Find a good doctor and handle a managed care plan Reverse heart disease through diet, lifestyle changes, and medications Like the millions of others living with heart disease, you want to take an active part in managing your health and feeling better fast This easy-to-follow guide explains how heart disease affects the body and shows you the steps youcan take—along with your doctor—to improve your quality of life With the expert advice, simple diagrams, and valuable tips in this book, you’ll: Keep your blood pressure, cholesterol, and weight under control Understand the common drug and medical treatments available for treating heart disease Draw on the mind/body connection to reduce stress Interpret the risk factors you can control (physical inactivity, hypertension, tobacco use) and the ones you can’t (heredity, age, gender) Form a true partnership with your doctor Explore cardiac rehabilitation programs Decide if alternative therapies are right for you Featuring heart-healthy recipes and a list of resources to help smokers quit the habit, Heart Disease For Dummies is an indispensable resource for living well with this manageable condition.  RHZN   Opti   DrBr   Lomo2004 г 384 стр ISBN 0764541552.

The Heart Speaks : A Cardiologist Reveals the Secret Language of Healing артикул 4807a.
The Heart Speaks : A Cardiologist Reveals the Secret Language of Healing артикул 4807a.

Book Description WEAVING MEDICAL NARRATIVE AND CUTTING-EDGE SCIENCE, DR MIMI GUARNERI EXPLORES THE FRONTIERS BEYOND THE PHYSICAL HEART Every day, 2,600 Americans die of cardiovascular disease -- one personevery thirty-three seconds Ten times more women die of heart disease than breast cancer Despite remarkable interventional and surgical овкгн procedures, over 650,000 new heart attacks occur annually With groundbreaking new research, Dr Guarneri skillfully blends the science and drama of the heart's unfolding She reveals the heart as a multilayered, complex organ and explores the new science that indicates the heart acts as a powerhouse of its own, possessing intelligence, memory, and decision-making abilities that are separate from the mind When Dr Guarneri was only eight, her vivacious forty-year-old mother died of a heart attack To overcome the powerlessness she felt that night in Brooklyn when her mother was taken from her, she became a cardiologist -- healing her own heart by healing the hearts of her patients Dr Guarneri spent her early years as an overworked, sleep-deprived medical student, trained to view the heart as a simple mechanical pump She came to realize through the lives of her patients, her own medical journeys, and breakthroughs in heart research that medicine is not just about stitching up patients and sending them on their way The heart may be "broken" as much by loneliness and depression as high cholesterol and elevated blood pressure The lessons of the heart are as much about forgiveness and gratefulness as they are about genetics and nutrition And healing the heart can have much more to do with healing a mind and soul than we ever knew From the racing heartbeats of cardiac emergencies to the gentle rhythms of healing touch, Dr Guarneri draws us into the intimate moments of life and death She leads us on a riveting exploration of the heart's mysteries, such as why heart transplant recipients may suddenly display unique characteristics of their donor or why someone who has normal coronary arteries may experience a heart attack For it is only by knowing the whole heart -- the mental heart, affected by hostility, stress, and depression; the emotional heart, able to be crushed by loss; the intelligent heart, with a nervous system all its own; the spiritual heart, which yearns for a higher purpose; and the universal heart, which communicates with others -- that we can truly heal.  Rola   Сысо   Serg   Hist2006 г 240 стр ISBN 0743273117.

Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery: Over 140 Delicious Low-Fat, High-Protein Recipes to Enjoy in the Weeks, Months and Years after Surgery артикул 4809a.
Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery: Over 140 Delicious Low-Fat, High-Protein Recipes to Enjoy in the Weeks, Months and Years after Surgery артикул 4809a.

Book DescriptionA Whole New and Completely Delicious Way to Eat after Weight Loss Surgery After her weight loss surgery in 2003, Patt Levine knew she would have to stick to a very restrictive diet, but there had to be something better than the "totally tasteless mush" her post-op food guidelines recommended Levine put her cooking skills овкгс to work and now, in Eating Well after Weight Loss Surgery, she and collaborator Michele Bontempo-Saray offer over 140 original, low-fat, high-protein recipes that taste just as delicious pureed and chopped as they do served whole, so you can enjoy flavorful, satisfying meals through every stage of your post-op eating program and cook for your family and friendsall at the same time These mouth-watering dishes, which cover everything from breakfast to dessert, include: Crustless Spinach and Cheese Quiche * BBQ-Baked Chicken * Asian Turkey Dumplings * Cider-Glazed Pork Chops * London Broil with Horseradish Cream Moussaka * Salmon with Creamy Lime-Dill Sauce * Scallops Provencale * Orange-Ginger Tofu * Vegetable Frittata * Southwestern Tomato Soup * No-Noodle Zucchini Lasagna * Basic Cheesecake * Apricot and Strawberry Smoothie Complete with advice from a certified nutritionist, helpful tips for stocking your pantry and refrigerator, and nutritional analyses for each recipe, Eating Well after Weight Loss Surgery is guaranteed to make eating a true pleasure and help you maintain your weight loss for years to come.  Davi   Ever   Micr   Mart2004 г 193 стр ISBN 1569244537.

30 великолепных садов артикул 4811a.
30 великолепных садов артикул 4811a.

В издании содержится много полезной информации, связанной с выращиванием декоративных растений на садовом участке Кроме того, рассказано о традиционных приемах декоративного овкгф садоводства и представлены наиболее интересные варианты цветочных композиций Для широкого круга читателей Автор Юлия Рычкова.  Фран   Прои   Beko   DiscСерия: Практическое пособие.

So You're Having a Hysterectomy артикул 4813a.
So You're Having a Hysterectomy артикул 4813a.

Book Descriptionso you're having a hysterectomy If you've been informed that you need a hysterectomy, this book is for you Step by step, test by test, decision by decision, you'll know what to expect and what your choices are Why are you having problems? Do you really need a hysterrectomy? What are the alternatives? Is it best to just "wait and овкгэ see"? And if you do decide to go ahead, what type of hysterectomy procedure is right for you? From diagnosis to recovery, So You're Having a Hysterectomy is the ultimate guide for women facing this controversial surgery Balanced, accurate information, real-life patient stories, and detailed illustrations give you the inside story on each medical procedure, while extensive self-help sections give you the power to find your own personal road to wellness—whatever you decide "Been there, done that, does not an expert make Event though I have had a hysterectomy and am a sex educator/counselor, I still learned a great deal about hysterectomy from this book Highly recommended reading " —Sue Hohanson, RN CM, sex educator/counselor and host of the Sunday Night Sex Show.  8942   Seve   Удар   Renz2004 г 176 стр ISBN 0470833459.

30 великолепных водоемов Практическое пособие артикул 4815a.
30 великолепных водоемов Практическое пособие артикул 4815a.

Эта книга рассчитана в первую очередь на владельцев загородных домов и садоводов-любителей Она содержит практические советы по сооружению и благоустройству водоемов на овкдз территории приусадебного участка в соответствии с их классификацией На страницах издания рассказывается также об уходе за водоемами, оформлении их при помощи декоративных растений, заселении прудов рыбами и другими водными животными и т д Даются характеристики ряда растений, предназначенных для украшения водоема Общие рекомендации дополняются иллюстрированными описаниями 30 оригинальных водоемов, которые смогут послужить в качестве наглядного пособия при создании уютного уголка природы на собственном приусадебном участке Автор Валентина Илюхина.  stud   Afro   Prin   МироСерия: Практическое пособие.

Chemokine Roles in Immunoregulation and Disease (Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop) артикул 4817a.
Chemokine Roles in Immunoregulation and Disease (Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop) артикул 4817a.

Book DescriptionThe Ernst Schering Workshop on Chemokine Roles in Immunoregulation and Disease, with contributions by leading experts in the field, succinctly summarizes cutting-edge research in immunology, protein chemistry, and disease This book givesan up-to-date overview of important developments in immunology with a concise, state-of-the-art овкдй review of chemokines It is a time-saving reference for both researchers and students, providing fast and easy access to the latest information in this important area of research.  Wind   Road   Mari   конс2004 г 160 стр ISBN 3540402217.

The Couple's Guide to In Vitro Fertilization: Everything You Need to Know to Maximize Your Chances of Success артикул 4819a.
The Couple's Guide to In Vitro Fertilization: Everything You Need to Know to Maximize Your Chances of Success артикул 4819a.

Book DescriptionA wise and compassionate guide to getting successfully through one of the most expensive and stressful fertility treatments Despite the fact that it is an expensive, complex, emotionally draining, and often last-ditch fertility treatment, there are now over 250,000 couples who consider in vitro fertilization (IVF) every овкдл year; more than 125,000 couples decide to undergo it While dry, clinical information is available, there is a gaping need for sisterly advice from someone who's been through the process herself From evaluating care and preparing for the complicated process to understanding egg retrieval and embryo transfer; from tips on taking medications and coping with hormonal surges to dealing with the emotional aspects of thegrueling IVF process, Liza Charlesworth's The Couple's Guide to In Vitro Fertilization offers knowing, sensitive counsel Full of hard-won personal wisdom and the most up-to-date medical information explained in layman's terms, this invaluable guide is sure to become recommended reading for couples trying to conceive and their families alike.  Bozi   Слов   клуб   ЛитР2004 г 256 стр ISBN 0738208973.

Body Hate: A Gay Man's Struggle With Multiple Sclerosis артикул 4821a.
Body Hate: A Gay Man's Struggle With Multiple Sclerosis артикул 4821a.

Book DescriptionBODY HATE: A GAY MAN'S STRUGGLE WITH MS is a rarity: an inside look at a gay man's experience with the disease Though other books details the effects and pain of learning about this incurable and debilitating disease, this work will always have the special ground-breaking position of being "First " No other work delineates овкдо the world of a young gay musician who suffers torments he never anticipated and could not prepare to feel This is the story of Bill Cate who was a punk rocker fromBoston, on the verge of hitting the Big Time, when he was felled by the mysterious and ever-lurking disease which strikes with devastating effects It also tells the story of Bill's gay lifestyle: a world of dance, music, and nightlife in Boston's clubs, which comes to an abrupt end with the onset of the disease The work is specially printed in bold and double-spaced to make it more easily readable to those who suffer from Multiple Sclerosis, and the often experienced optic neuritis.  ЛитР   Трои   Води   Грос2004 г 174 стр ISBN 1413442579.

And We Fly Away: Living Beyond Alzheimer's артикул 4823a.
And We Fly Away: Living Beyond Alzheimer's артикул 4823a.

Book DescriptionAnd We Fly Away is the moving story of the punishing, yet extraordinarily graceful, final years in the life of Ray Ashfords wife, Phyllis, a victim of Alzheimers disease, and of Ashfords own emergence from sorrow Markedby the conviction that death is a marvelous beginning and not the end, this poignant work will speak to the овкдр hearts of those who are coping with aging and bereavement Ashford tells his story in spare, poetic prose and includes a "mini-anthology" of helpful and comforting quotations from scripture and literature.  Герш   Acad   Иллю   Соде2003 г 80 стр ISBN 0806645709.

Ageing and Dementia артикул 4825a.
Ageing and Dementia артикул 4825a.

Book DescriptionEpidemiological studies, modern clinical, neuroimaging, neuropsychological, molecular biological, and genetic studies have considerably enhanced our knowledge about ageing processes of the human brain, its sequelae, diagnostic, and therapeutic possibilities and limits In addition to Alzheimer's disease and other овкдх degenerative dementias, the impact of cerebrovascular lesions and their risk factors in the pathogenesis of cognitive disorders of the aged are increasingly acknowledged, and therecognition of mild cognitive impairment as a frequent initial stage of developing dementia is becoming an increasingly important diagnostic and therapeutic problem The included papers were presented at the 7th International Symposium in Graz, Sept 2001 and give a timely overview of the current and future concepts of pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment strategies of pathological brain ageing and dementias, early recognition of mild cognitive impairment and future possiblities of prevention of dementing processes.  МГор   веду   Dixi   Цыбу2004 г 300 стр ISBN 3211837973.

Movement With Meaning: A Multisensory Program for Individuals With Early-stage Alzheimer's Disease артикул 4827a.
Movement With Meaning: A Multisensory Program for Individuals With Early-stage Alzheimer's Disease артикул 4827a.

Book DescriptionReinforce the remaining strengths and abilities of people with dementia with this interactive, multisensory movement program Developed by an experienced educator, Movement with Meaning uses activities that stimulate all five senses to enhance the well-being of older adults Designed specifically to meet the needs of people овкеа with early-stage Alzheimer's disease, the program combines gentle dance movements, yoga-inspired poses, and breathing exercises with music, poetry, and specificsensory activities Participants become focused in the present through total immersion in short, concentrated exercises that stimulate physical, mental, and sensory awareness Individuals not only enjoy the engaging activities, but experience reduced tension, enhanced relaxation, improved balance and coordination, decreased disorientation, and increased social interaction This detailed manual makes establishing a Movement with Meaning program easy at any facility Step-by-step instructions for each activity are supported by more than 100 photographs Additionally, four 30-minute sessions are described in detail Along with suggested themes and activities, the manual supplies group leaders with valuable information about selecting participants and organizing the environment Movement with Meaning sessions can be customized for individual participants, making the program ideal for adult day centers, assisted living facilities, and long-term care settings Recreational therapists, OTs, PTs, and activity directors will find this program invaluable for strengthening older adults' skills while also providing entertaining activities Add Movement with Meaning to your therapeutic programming today and experience the benefits!.  Куца   Mast   Стер   моло2005 г 199 стр ISBN 1932529144.

Conquering Infertility: Dr Alice Domar's Mind/Body Guide to Enhancing Fertility and Coping With Infertility артикул 4829a.
Conquering Infertility: Dr Alice Domar's Mind/Body Guide to Enhancing Fertility and Coping With Infertility артикул 4829a.

Book Description Infertility is a heartbreaking condition that affects nine million American couples each year It causes tremendous stress, can trigger debilitating sadness and depression, and can tear a marriage to shreds In Conquering Infertility, Harvard psychologist Alice Domarwhom Vogue calls the "Fertility Goddess"provides infertile овкед couples with what they need most: stress relief, support, and hope Using the innovative mind/body techniques she has perfected at her clinic, Domar helps infertile women not only regain control over their lives but also boost their chances of becoming pregnant With Conquering Infertility, women learn how to cope with infertility in a much more positive way and to carve a path toward a rich, full, happy life.  Спир   Guar   Jean   Magn2004 г 320 стр ISBN 0142002011.

10000 и одна проводка по новому Плану счетов артикул 4831a.
10000 и одна проводка по новому Плану счетов артикул 4831a.

Редактор: Галина Касьянова Уникальное издание, которое содержит не только более 10 тысяч типовых проводок, но и пояснения к ним В отличие от многочисленных сборников проводок овкеи авторы не просто приводят типовую корреспонденцию счетов, а предлагают читателям схемы учета отдельных операций и комментарии по порядку ведения бухгалтерского и налогового учета в различных ситуациях В этой книге вы найдете и проводки, которые необходимо сделать в соответствии с ПБУ 18/02 Кроме того, по каждой хозяйственной операции приведены первичные учетные документы, на основании которых делаются записи на счетах бухгалтерского учета Пояснения к каждому счету снабжены ссылками на действующие нормативные документы Все рекомендации даются с учетом требований Минфина России и налоговых органов, предъявляемых ими при проведении документальных проверок Книга адресована широкому кругу читателей, бухгалтерам и руководителям предприятий и организаций всех форм собственности Издание может быть использовано в качестве учебного пособия при изучении бухгалтерского учета и теории налогообложения.  OZON   Wind   Топо   InteСерия: Настольная книга.

The Viagra Myth : The Surprising Impact On Love And Relationships артикул 4833a.
The Viagra Myth : The Surprising Impact On Love And Relationships артикул 4833a.

Book DescriptionIn The Viagra Myth Dr Abraham Morgentaler (a practicing urologist on the faculty of Harvard Medical School) shows us that while Viagra has proved enormously helpful to many men, it has also uncovered previously ignored aspects of identity and authenticity in sexuality and relationships Some men, for example, may fear telling овкен their partner they are using Viagra, yet still struggle with the hope of being loved for their true self Women who discover their partner has resorted to a secret sexual enhancer may complain, "I thought it was me who turned you on " Viagra may improve a man's sexual abilities, but there may also be a profound cost involved If you or your partner is using or considering Viagra, or even if you are only wondered what it might be like to have a better sex life, this book is essential reading It will provide insight and instruction about the reality of quick-fix solutions, sexuality, personal growth, and meaningful relationships.  Malc   Звон   Соло   авто2003 г 224 стр ISBN 0787968013.

I Die, but My Memory Lives on: The World AIDS Crisis and the Memory Book Project артикул 4835a.
I Die, but My Memory Lives on: The World AIDS Crisis and the Memory Book Project артикул 4835a.

Book DescriptionInternationally bestselling mystery author Henning Mankell explores the new African tradition of Memory Books, written by parents dying of AIDS for their children Henning Mankell, internationally famous creator of the bestselling Kurt Wallander mysteries, here offers a nonfiction fable about a heartrending tradition овкеп spawned by a major health crisis: the invaluable Memory Book Project, which gives those dying of AIDS an opportunity to record their lives in words and picturesfor the children they leave behind In Uganda, Mankell finds village after village populated only by children and the elderlythose left behind after AIDS swept away an entire generation These slim, intensely personal volumes can contain words, pictures, a pressed butterfly, or even grains of sand as ways to represent the lives lost to this devastating plague Excerpts from Ugandan memory books appear throughout I Die, But My Memory Lives On and, together with Mankell's narrative, they tell stories of individual lives while sounding a powerful warning about the threat of AIDS Featuring a foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the book includes an appendix listing AIDS organizations and resources A portion of the book's proceedswith be donated to AIDS charities in Africa.  Rene   Edga   Caro   Нефе2005 г 128 стр ISBN 1595580131.

ПК для "чайников" Краткий справочник артикул 202a.
ПК для "чайников" Краткий справочник артикул 202a.

Переводчик: Тарабаров И Б Перед вами самый компактный и удобный справочник, посвященный основам работы с ПК и новейшей операционной системой Windows Vista Книга поможет познакомиться объше с основными элементами компьютера и периферийными устройствами, а также новым интерфейсом пользователя Windows Vista Вы научитесь управлять файлами и папками, настраивать сети (как традиционные, так и беспроводные), выполнять модернизацию компьютера, печатать документы и даже записывать компакт-диски 4-е издание Автор Дэн Гукин Dan Gookin.  Росс   Undi   Арцр   JerzСерия: Для "чайников".

PCs for Dummies Quick Reference.
Украшение стола 100 оригинальных идей артикул 204a.
Украшение стола 100 оригинальных идей артикул 204a.

Редакторы: Татьяна Носенко Т Фомина Переводчик: Татьяна Григорьева Все авторы Мы всегда с удовольствием садимся за красиво накрытый стол В этой книге вы найдете восхитительные объшн образцы сервировки по случаю дня рождения и детского праздника, Пасхи и Рождества, Нового года и 8 Марта, свадьбы и просто вечеринки в кругу друзей Вы узнаете, как подобрать скатерть и красиво сложить салфетки, украсить стол оригинальными композициями из живых и сухих цветов и выбрать свечи, оформить именные карты и карты меню и как рассадить гостей Великолепные цветные фотографии и советы лучших дизайнеров шаг за шагом раскрывают секреты и тонкости сервировки стола и помогут любой хозяйке превратить домашнее застолье в незабываемый праздник Иллюстрации Авторы (показать всех авторов) Yvonne Thalheim Harald Nadolny Marianne Muller.  Sifr   Fisk   рабо   ЮсупСерия: Золотая библиотека хозяйки.

Festliche Tischdekorationen selbst gestalten Servietten falten: 80 Ideen fur schon gedeckte Tische.
Большой солдат артикул 206a.
Большой солдат артикул 206a.

От издателя Режиссер: Шенг Динг Продюсеры: Джеки Чан Солон Со Творческий коллектив Режиссер Шенг Динг Sheng Ding Актеры (показать всех актеров) Джеки Чан Jackie Chan (Chan Kong-Sang) Джеки Чан объшс (его настоящее имя - Чан Кон Сан) родился 7 апреля 1954 года в Гонконге Когда ему было шесть лет, родители отдали сына в школу при Пекинской опере Там он учился десять лет - музыке, танцу, сценическому мастерству и традиционным боевым Ронгуан Ю Rongguang Yu Ли-Хом Ванг Lee-Hom Wang.  Park   Soul   Hits   SPORФормат: DVD (PAL) (Картонный бокс + кеер case) Дистрибьютор: Новый Диск Региональный код: 5 Количество слоев: DVD-9 (2 слоя) Звуковые дорожки: Русский Закадровый перевод Dolby Digital 5 1 Украинский Dolby Digital 5 1 Формат изображения: WideScreen 16:9 (1 78:1) Лицензионные товары Характеристики видеоносителей 2010 г , 96 мин , Китай - Гонконг Bona Entertainment, JCE Movies Художественный кинофильм.

Little Big Soldier.
Ваш огород Универсальная энциклопедия артикул 208a.
Ваш огород Универсальная энциклопедия артикул 208a.

Составители: В Матвеев Светлана Быховец М Вышинская Нина Капичникова З Козловская Ромуальд Лойко М Мялик А Пантеев Все авторы Наша энциклопедия - самое полное собрание сведений объшу об овощных культурах: описание и особенности всех сортов и гибридов; биологические особенности, строение, питание и размножение А также сведения об обработке почвы, внесении удобрений, поливе и особенностях агротехники возделывания; о регуляторах роста растений, их защите от вредителей и болезней; об уходе за растениями, уборке и хранении урожая; о пищевых ценностях и вкусовых особенностях овощей Все для того, чтобы ваш огород был самым лучшим! Под редакцией А И Быховца Авторы (показать всех авторов) Анатолий Быховец (составитель, автор) Виолетта Гончарук (составитель, автор) Т Ботина (составитель, автор).  Mari   Vino   Cafe   GabrСерия: Мир энциклопедий.

Валеология Учебник артикул 210a.
Валеология Учебник артикул 210a.

Учебник разработан в соответствии с программой дисциплины для студентов невалеологических специальностей вузов и университетов Основной целью учебника является подготовка объшш студента к профессиональной педагогической деятельности, ориентированной на здоровье, сберегающее обучение и воспитание учащихся Для студентов вузов Автор Эдуард Вайнер.  серт   Myth   Stan   PerpСерия: Здоровый образ жизни.

Правильное дыхание Практикум артикул 212a.
Правильное дыхание Практикум артикул 212a.

Цель книги - дать основополагающие представления о правильном дыхании, которое помогает прежде всего обеспечить профилактику заболеваний легких и сердца, позволяет свободно объщд владеть голосом, дает возможность эффективно излечивать различные болезни, связанные с нарушениями работы легочной и сердечно-сосудистой систем Обучение правильному дыханию базируется на практике Поэтому читателям настоятельно рекомендуется систематически и последовательно выполнять изложенные в книге упражнения, обучающие правильному дыханию Пособие будет особенно полезно для тех, кто по роду своей деятельности активно использует речевой аппарат Для учителей, студентов педагогических вузов, всех, интересующихся проблемами здорового образа жизни Автор Олег Ермолаев.  Tran   книг   Creo   DonaСерия: Здоровый образ жизни.

И С Бах Инвенции для фортепиано артикул 214a.
И С Бах Инвенции для фортепиано артикул 214a.

В издании представлены двухголосные и трехголосные инвенции для фортепиано И С Баха Что внутри? Содеожание 1 Автор Иоганн Себастьян Бах Johann Sebastian Bach Детские годы провел в Эйзенахе, объщй в 1695—1702 учился в Ордруфе и Люнебурге В 17-летнем возрасте играл на органе, клавире, скрипке, альте, пел в хоре, был помощником кантора В 1703—07 органист Нойкирхе в Арнштадте, в 1707—08 органист Блазиускирхе в.  LEGO   Ткал   впер   RogeИздательство: Музыка, 2006 г Мягкая обложка, 96 стр ISBN 5-7140-0782-8 Тираж: 2000 экз Формат: 60x90/8 (~220х290 мм).

J S Bach: Inventions For Piano.
Основы археологии Конспект лекций артикул 216a.
Основы археологии Конспект лекций артикул 216a.

Это издание ориентировано на студентов средних специальных и высших учебных заведений Подходит для специальностей исторического, естествоведческого и искусствоведческого объщс факультетов Конспект лекций раскрывает основные вопросы этой дисциплины Материал расположен в хронологическом порядке, что облегчает изучение данного предмета Издание будет интересно не только студентам, но и преподавателям, работающим в этой области знаний Автор Гаяне Бабаян.  Jame   Алек   Cher   IsaaСерия: Сессия без депрессии.

Играю на синтезаторе Выпуск 1 артикул 218a.
Играю на синтезаторе Выпуск 1 артикул 218a.

Составитель: Людмила Петренко Сборник "Играю на синтезаторе Выпуск 1" составлен из популярных мелодий, пьес и этюдов, расположенных по степени возрастания сложности, объщч и предназначен для овладения основными навыками игры на синтезаторе на начальном этапе обучения Предназначается для всех учебных заведений, имеющих класс синтезатора Что внутри? Содержание 1 | 2.  Херл   Etni   Diam   HarrАнтология Издательство: Музыка, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 48 стр ISBN 5-7140-0855-3 Тираж: 1000 экз Формат: 60x90/8 (~220х290 мм).

Фармакология артикул 220a.
Фармакология артикул 220a.

Учебное пособие предназначено для подготовки студентов медицинских вузов к сдаче экзамена Книга включает в себя полный курс лекций по фармакологии, написана доступным языком обб и будет незаменимым помощником для тех, кто желает быстро подготовиться к экзамену и успешно его сдать Автор Валентина Копасова.  Alex   Aqua   Gmax   AndrСерия: Полный курс за три дня.

365 Days of Total Heart Health артикул 4802a.
365 Days of Total Heart Health артикул 4802a.

Book Description Ed Young, best-selling author and pastor of one of the largest churches in America, is convinced that there is a link between our physical and spiritual health He offers individuals help and hope for revolutionizing both in this unique devotional book In each of the 365 inspirational readings, Dr Young serves up a daily spiritual овкгд reflection accompanied by Scripture, a spiritual heart health tip, and a physical heart health tip 365 Days of Total Heart Health also includes vital medical insight contributed by two of the country's leading physicians in the field of cardiology: Dr J Michael Duncan and Dr D Richard Leachman Men and women readers alike will appreciate this daily reminder to tend to both the physical and spiritual aspects of their lives Brimming with practical support for better whole-self living, this is a great book to give and an important book to keep!.  Tato   Kary   спас   Заре2006 г 400 стр ISBN 1404102094.

Total Heart Health for Women : A Life-Enriching Plan for Physical & Spiritual Well-Being артикул 4804a.
Total Heart Health for Women : A Life-Enriching Plan for Physical & Spiritual Well-Being артикул 4804a.

Book Description In the age of the 'extreme makeover,' women have a unique set of pressures and expectations, but more often than not, it's about transforming the outside in a vein attempt to heal the inside Obviously, women are not being healed Total Heart Health for Women explores the undeniable link between our physical bodies and our spiritual овкгй state of mind It's difficult to have a truly healthy physical life without a healthy spiritual life and vice versa In Total Heart Health forWomen, well-known author and pastor, Ed Young, and his wife, Jo Beth Young, team up with two of the country's leading physicians from the world-renown Texas Heart Institute, Dr J Michael Duncan and Dr Richard Leachman, to bring women the guidancethey so desperately need to achieve total heart health in their lives With practical health and fitness tips, smart recipes and strategies for an authentic spiritual life, women will learn to get heart healthy by honoring Christ physically and spiritually with their total hearts.  крас   9056   Arts   03-12006 г 240 стр ISBN 0849900123.

Уроки любви Книга рецептов счастливых отношений артикул 4806a.
Уроки любви Книга рецептов счастливых отношений артикул 4806a.

Переводчик: Наталья Болховецкая С незапамятных времен человечество пытается найти ответ на вопрос: "Что такое счастье?" Любить и быть любимым! В вашем списке признаков овкгм счастливой жизни есть такой пункт? Тогда эта книга для вас Пока нет? Вам просто необходимо срочно ее прочесть! Огромный жизненный опыт и долгие годы работы консультантом в данной сфере позволили Сьюзен Джефферс составить целую книгу рецептов счастливых отношений Рецепты изобретают для того, чтобы их пробовали и применяли, в таком случае они становятся полезными А вот убедиться в этом можно только на собственном примере Автор Сьюзен Джефферс Susan Jeffers.  Щерб   Exce   Добр   SvagИздательство: София, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 304 стр ISBN 978-5-91250-246-0, 5-91250-246-5 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

The Feel of the Fear Gulde to Lasting Love.
Beating Prostate Cancer Without Surgery артикул 4808a.
Beating Prostate Cancer Without Surgery артикул 4808a.

Book DescriptionSurgery is the most common means of treating prostate cancer, but many survivors later suffer from embarassing quality-of-life issues, including incontinence and impotence In this book, a retired surgeon and prostate cancer survivor discusses treatment options with less risk of these and other side effects Contains a foreword овкго by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who is himself a prostate cancer survivor.  слов   Mich   Garm   Crac2005 г 225 стр ISBN 157749153X.

Cosmetic Surgery For Dummies артикул 4810a.
Cosmetic Surgery For Dummies артикул 4810a.

Book DescriptionCosmetic surgery is one of today’s hottest topics From daytime talk shows and popular magazines to conversations at the salon, it seems that almost everyone has had it, is thinking about it, or knows someone who is getting it Statistics show more and more women—and men—are having cosmetic surgery And with all the options овкгу now available, it’s important to be fully informed before you make any decisions about having a procedure Now, Cosmetic Surgery For Dummies is here to guide you through today’s top procedures, candidly addressing both the benefits and the risks R Merrel Olesen, MD, the medical director of the La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre, and Marie B V Olesen, a nationally known cosmetic surgery consultant, give you the tools you need to: Decide if surgery is right for you Find a qualified surgeon Set realistic expectations Evaluate the costs Enhance your recovery and results This plain-English guide shows you how to take advantage of all the advances in cosmetic surgery while avoiding the pitfalls that could compromise your safety or the quality of your result From implants to liposuction to Botox, you’ll understand the right questions to ask your doctor, how to prepare for surgery (both physically and financially), and the best ways to influence the healing process You’ll also: Discover the latest surgery techniques and medications Understand the different surgeon specializations Sort through the various non-surgical facial treatments Evaluate your post-op care options Cope with complications Deal with family, friends, and coworkers before and after surgery Complete with lists of questions to ask before surgery and top Web sites for cosmetic surgery information, Cosmetic Surgery For Dummies is a practical, friendlyguide that will help you say hello to a new you!.  хоро   полю   Silv   Brot2005 г 382 стр ISBN 0764578359.

I Want A Baby, He Doesn't: How Both Partners Can Make The Right Decision At The Right Time артикул 4812a.
I Want A Baby, He Doesn't: How Both Partners Can Make The Right Decision At The Right Time артикул 4812a.

Book DescriptionIt happens all too often: A couple falls in love, gets married, buys a home, and then-after the fact-they discuss having a baby At first he skirts the issue, and she knows from his body language that something is wrong; she confronts himand, lo and behold, he says the words that cause the biggest challenge their relationship has ever овкгъ faced: "I'm just not ready " Maybe he doesn't know if he'll ever be ready If you are in this situation-or fear you could be sometime in the near future-I Want a Baby, He Doesn't has the answers Author Donna J Wade-a woman who has been through the trials of wanting to have children with a husband who didn't-and Liberty Kovacs, a licensed marital therapist, offer unbiased, clinical adviceto help you and your partner reach the best possible resolution without destroying your relationship Whether a baby is in your future or not, I Want a Baby, He Doesn't is the one book you need to help you and your partner work out the issues and keep your relationship intact.  цвет   Осип   Para   18152005 г 221 стр ISBN 1593372876.

Fertile Vs Infertile: How Infections Affect Your Fertility And Your Baby's Health артикул 4814a.
Fertile Vs Infertile: How Infections Affect Your Fertility And Your Baby's Health артикул 4814a.

Book DescriptionFertile vs Infertile emphasizes in a very clear way the importance of sexually transmitted infections (STI) In the U S alone, about 15 million individuals contract an STI annually Unfortunately, this field is not given the proper attention by many urologists and gynecologists and by those dealing with infertility The number овкдг of suffering and frustrated patients is therefore extremely high Young people are rarely informed properly about the high incidence of symptom-free but potentially devastating sexual infections Hopefully this book will be the badly needed alarm clock for both the lay public and the medical profession.  Geni   OPEL   Blau   PENN2004 г 246 стр ISBN 1587363879.

Before and After: Living and Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery артикул 4816a.
Before and After: Living and Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery артикул 4816a.

Book Description At 278 pounds, Susan Maria Leach couldn't fit into a roller coaster seat, couldn't tie a bathrobe around herself, couldn't even ride with her husband on the back of his Harley Enough was enough Susan underwent gastric bypass weight loss surgery Now Susan weighs in at a mere 135 pounds Her book, Before & After, is the story of her овкди incredible journey from being too big to enjoy her life, to being able to truly enjoy life to its fullest Now Susan can fit into that roller coaster seat, completely tie that robe, and ride on the back of her husband's Harley More than one hundred thousand people had weight loss surgery in 2003, and as those pounds continue to drop, the number of people opting for the surgery continues to rise Part memoir and part cookbook, Before & After includes a foreword by Susan's surgeon, comments from a nutritionist, and a section on frequently asked questions It is an intimate account of Susan's own transformation, as well as a universal guide for those who have undergone or are considering the procedure After her own success, Susan participated in support groups for weight loss surgery patients There, she discovered that people had as many questions about life after surgery as they had about the operation itself Before & After answers those questions and many more An accomplished home cook and longtime culinary enthusiast, Susan quickly became known as the "lady with the recipes " Determined not to give up good food and a flexible lifestyle, Susan worked hard to develop recipes that meet her nutritional requirements, yet are delicious and satisfying for her, her family, and her guests The 100 recipes -- which include everything from Roasted Salmon with Mango Salsa and Italian Meatballs to Belgian Chocolate Cheesecake and Lemon Meringue Pie -- make about four servings, but each comes with a measured serving for WLS people along with a calorie/carb/fat/protein count Susan has recipes for every step of the way, from tastes-like-the-real-thing milk shakes for those first post-op days to an entire Thanksgiving menu Before & After is a journal of Susan's own inspirational story, where she shares her ups and downs, her tips and techniques, but mostly it's a book about hope for anyone who has a serious weight problem.  язык   Буха   Сост   демо2004 г 272 стр ISBN 0060567228.

Intimacy With Impotence: The Couple's Guide to Better Sex After Prostate Disease артикул 4818a.
Intimacy With Impotence: The Couple's Guide to Better Sex After Prostate Disease артикул 4818a.

Book Description"[This book is] outstanding, well-written, and should be read by all men and women "--James Lewis, Jr , Ph D , Executive Director, Education Center for Prostate Cancer Patients Erectile dysfunction is a frequent consequence of prostatecancer and other prostate disease treatments Though unwelcome and embarrassing, овкдк it doesn't have to end a couple's sex life Both informative and practical, Intimacy with Impotence gives couples cause for hope It discusses impotence in lay terms,provides information on the commercial therapies and medications both available and being researched now, and gives practical advice about lovemaking-from getting in the mood to commonsense suggestions to erection-less satisfaction Written with completehonesty and compassion by a prostate cancer survivor and his wife, this is the essential resource for couples trying to reestablish intimacy and sex in the face of impotence.  Щерб   увед   серт   Fran2004 г 220 стр ISBN 0738207896.

Multiple Sclerosis: Uncovering Its Hidden Blessings артикул 4820a.
Multiple Sclerosis: Uncovering Its Hidden Blessings артикул 4820a.

Book DescriptionIt started with a stumble here or there It was no big deal I wasnt the most graceful child anyway Slurring my words - that was a big deal Of course there was one doctor One doctor led to another, and yet another They couldnt tell me what was wrong Did I have a slight stroke in my sleep? Was it lupus? Maybe it was lime disease No, no and no овкдн Three doctors didnt know what was wrong The fourth doctor, Dr Louis Pearlstein, he knew "Wendy," he said "You have multiple sclerosis " I looked at him as if he were talking to someone else There had to be another Wendy sitting in the office He wasnt talking to me He couldnt be I dont remember much about that day or that conversation While the doctor talked I felt like I was in a Charlie Brown cartoon listening to the teacher, "Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah " Sure, I heard every word he said, but I definitely didnt understand a single one of them I do remember feeling empty and alone Its a feeling that came to visit and never left That day, my entire world collapsed around me From my limited knowledge of the disease, I knew was destined to become a prisoner in my own body I was going to become the object of everyones sorrow Though I had their love, I would also have their pity I didn't want to be pitied Multiple sclerosis Those are two very powerful words Say them out loud See, they dont hold any power when you say them Their power comes the minute youre diagnosed Almost like cancer or HIV Those are powerful words, too That was four years ago and hundreds of doctors appointments later Turns out I was the Wendy the doctor was talking to that day Fortunately, I'm not the Wendy that left the doctor's office That Wendy didn't have any fight in her I really dont know when this feeling came over me One day I woke up tired of feeling alone and depressed I knew that there were people out there who were feeling the same things I wasnt alone, and I didnt want anyone else thinking they were too Were all on a different, unique journey with MS, but all-in-all, were still in this together Dont get me wrong Im not living in adream world I have days where the pain is more than I can take I have the type of MS that they call "relapsing remitting" From what Ive been told, the last MRI shows no new lesions, thats what they call remission If some MRI says that Im in remission for the time being, why doesnt it feel that way? Everyday that I feel as though I am not in remission seems to take me further and further away from it Sometimes I want to quit fighting I want to stop taking my medicines and die I have those days, but I try not to stay in that frame of mind At 39, Ill never be the woman I was when I was 32 or 30 As the disease progresses, I'm realizing that some days wont be as good as others For that fact, some weeks wont be either And I dont think long-term anymore Its not because Im afraid to die Sometimes I think its because Im afraid to live My personal crusade and the love of my husband are the source of my strength I know there may not be a cure for this disease in my lifetime, but I refuse to give up hope Even if they dont find a cure while Im alive, its what I do while Im here that matters I want to make a difference and I plan to Right now I talk about the disease that has wiped away my dreams of having a relatively normal life I talk to anyone and everyone who will listen As I mentioned before, my husband Ed is also a great source of strength I fight for him when I cant fight for myself And because he loves me so much, he fights for me when I cant do it for either of us His love is unconditional And through his love, Ive finally realized that I dont have to be strong all of the time When I feel myself spiraling out of control, he's always there to catch me when my world stops spinning My journey is taking me on a long, winding road Some days I can walk it alone Some days I have to have help Theres no shame in asking for help So let me tell you, find something positive you can hold on to So much about this disease controls us, and were at its every whim Find something you can control, whether its your actions or your attitude Dont let this disease take everything from you Surround yourself with positive people and laugh as much as you can When you have times youre feeling alone, remember youre not Im here Im Wendy.  Низо   рома   Goin   Ауди2005 г 71 стр ISBN 1420816861.

The Breakdown Lane артикул 4822a.
The Breakdown Lane артикул 4822a.

Book Description Where can a woman turn when her own life threatens to overwhelm her ability to keep her children safe? New York Times bestselling author Jacquelyn Mitchard takes the readers of her newest novel on a wry and moving journey of loss and healing Giving advice is what Julieanne does for a living -- every Sunday she doles it out to clueless овкдп people she doesn't know, in a column in her local Wisconsin paper But when it comes to her personal life, Julie herself seems tohave missed some clues Having worked creatively to keep her twenty-year marriage to Leo fresh and exciting, she is completely caught off guard when he tells her he needs to go on a "sabbatical" from their life together, leaving Julie and their three children -- Gabe, Caroline, and Aury -- behind But it soon becomes clear that his leave of absence is meant to be permanent The succeeding months are filled with a confusion and sadness that shake the core of the entire family Things take a turn for the worse when Julie is diagnosed with a serious illness and the children undertake a dangerous journey to find Leo -- before it's too late As the known world sinks precariously from view, the clan must navigate its way through the shoals of love, guilt, and betrayal Together, with the help of Leo's parents and Julie's best friend, Cathy, they work their way back to solid ground and a new definition of family No one illuminates modern love, marriage, and parenting better than Jacquelyn Mitchard Written with her trademark poignancy, humor, and insight, The Breakdown Lane is her most moving, eloquent, and life-affirming work yet Download Description" Where can a woman turn when her own life threatens to overwhelm her ability to keepher children safe? New York Times bestselling author Jacquelyn Mitchard takes the readers of her newest novel on a wry and moving journey of loss and healing Giving advice is what Julieanne does for a living -- every Sunday she doles it out to clueless people she doesn't know, in a column in her local Wisconsin paper But when it comes to her personal life, Julie herself seems to have missed some clues Having worked creatively to keep her twenty-year marriage to Leo fresh and exciting, she is completely caught off guard when he tells her he needs to go on a ""sabbatical"" from their life together, leaving Julie and their three children -- Gabe, Caroline, and Aury -- behind But it soon becomes clear that his leave of absence is meant to be permanent The succeeding months are filled with a confusion and sadness that shake the core of the entire family Things take a turn for the worse when Julie is diagnosed with a serious illness and the children undertake a dangerous journey to find Leo -- before it's too late As the known world sinks precariously from view, the clan must navigate its way through the shoals of love, guilt, and betrayal Together, with the help of Leo's parents and Julie's best friend, Cathy, they work their way back to solid ground and a new definition of family No one illuminates modern love, marriage, and parenting better than Jacquelyn Mitchard Written with her trademark poignancy, humor, and insight, The Breakdown Lane is her most moving,eloquent, and life-affirming work yet ".  рабо   Herb   Руби   Соде2005 г 400 стр ISBN 0060587245.

Alzheimer Disease : Neuropsychology and Pharmacology артикул 4824a.
Alzheimer Disease : Neuropsychology and Pharmacology артикул 4824a.

Book DescriptionAlzheimer disease (AD) has become the most common form of dementia in industrialized countries and represents an increasing burden at the economic, social and medical level In discussing both the biological aspects of AD as well as the cognitive functions involved, Alzheimer Disease - Neuropsychology and Pharmacology presents овкду a comprehensive picture of the pathology and approaches to diagnosis and treatment Basic research including animal models, molecular and genetic aspects is also taken into consideration In part I, the biological correlates of AD are discussed In part II the neuropsychological aspects such as cognitive impairment, loss of functional autonomy and emergence of neuropsychiatric disturbances of AD are outlined In part III, strategies for effective treatment and prevention of AD are discussed This book will be a useful source of information for clinicians as well as researchers in the area of neuropharmacology.  меся   чита   теат   Flyi2004 г 288 стр ISBN 3764324260.

Living with Lymphoma : A Patient's Guide артикул 4826a.
Living with Lymphoma : A Patient's Guide артикул 4826a.

Book Description When neurobiologist Elizabeth M Adler was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, she learned everything she could about the disease, both to cope with the emotional stress of being diagnosed and to make sure she made the best possible decisions for her treatment In Living with Lymphoma, she combines her knowledge of lymphoma -- овкдя both scientific and personal -- with the desire to help other patients come to grips with this complex, and often baffling, disease Adler thoroughly explains the disease, describing the many different kinds of Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, the wide range of symptoms, and the various treatment options available Convinced that understanding lymphoma's biological basis will help patients make better treatment decisions, Adler explains basic cell biology and how the immune system functions Readers will gain sufficient background to understand and evaluate medical literature, and to ask their physicians questions specific to their own needs In the introduction, Dr Michael R Bishop of the National Institutes of Health provides a physician's perspective on the delicate nature of doctor-patient relationships in the context of a life-threatening disease -- especially the importance of patient education and open communication in making decisions about treatment options and quality of life Drawing on her scientific expertise and personal journey -- as well as her empathy, passion, and humor -- Adler has created a valuable guide for people with lymphoma and the people caring for them.  Скво   Nige   Rajn   Соде2005 г 432 стр ISBN 0801881803.

The Autoimmune Connection артикул 4828a.
The Autoimmune Connection артикул 4828a.

Book Description As featured in the New York Times and recommended by the National Women's Health Resource Center and the Society for Women's Health Research, The Autoimmune Connection discusses the links between autoimmune diseases and offers up-to-date information on diagnosis, treatments, and risks for women with one or more autoimmune овкеб disease, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or Crohn's disease Download Description"More than 50 million Americans, most of them women, suffer from a constellation of mysterious, often misdiagnosed diseases that can result in disability, disfigurement, and death Called autoimmune diseases, they arise when the immune system attacks healthy tissues in almost any area of the body, and include lupus rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease, scleroderma, and Graves' disease Now Jill Buyon, a doctor working on the cutting edge of research into these diseases, and Rita Baron-Faust, an award-winning medical journalist, arm women with the knowledge they need to obtain accurate diagnoses and the best possible treatments In The Autoimmune Connection readers learn about the recent groundbreaking discovery of the links between the different autoimmune diseases and why women are more likely to develop them The authors offer the most up-to-date information on diagnosis, treatments, and risks for women with one or more autoimmune disease ".  Wink   Шенк   Mari   Яков2004 г 432 стр ISBN 0071433155.

Земля Плеядеанские Ключи к Живой Библиотеке артикул 4830a.
Земля Плеядеанские Ключи к Живой Библиотеке артикул 4830a.

Продолжение книги "Приносящие Рассвет" Духовные учителя из нашего космического будущего открывают новые подробности о происхождении и космической судьбе человечества, овкее о духовных законах Вселенной и о той невероятно важной роли, которую играет планета Земля в ее эволюции "Вам может казаться, что мы существуем где-то вовне, в звездной системе Плеяд, в вашем будущем Но мы также существуем и внутри вас Мы - и ваши предки, и ваши же потомки Мы - это вы сами на золотых спиралях времени Мы просим вас переосмыслить ваше предназначение; пересмотреть силы, которые руководят вами; воскресить шифры и коды сознания, хранящиеся в вас самих Для вас пришло время востребовать полагающееся вам по праву знание Творца, созидающего посредством мыслеформ, восстановить красоту, вернуть жизни ее ценность, вспомнить предназначение Живой Библиотеки Земли и вашу собственную сущность Отправимся же вместе в путешествие через тайны вашего мира" Автор Барбара Марсиниак Barbara Marciniak.  Fina   Sabb   писа   MirrИздательство: София, 2007 г Мягкая обложка, 336 стр ISBN 5-91250-080-0 Тираж: 3000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Earth: The Pleiadian Keys to the Living Librari.
Infertility's Anguish артикул 4832a.
Infertility's Anguish артикул 4832a.

Book DescriptionInfertilitys Anguish explores situations couples experience during their journey to find their fertility Using a conversational style and anecdotes based on interviews with numerous infertile couples, Jan and Dan take you through these experiences and help you to develop coping strategies If you have been diagnosed with овкек impaired fertility, have a relative or friend dealing with this situation, or counsel people in infertility crisis, then Infertilitys Anguish can help you better understand the emotions and issues encountered during this life journey.  With   Silv   Silv   Silv2003 г 256 стр ISBN 0972597735.

The Sunshine on My Face: A Read-Aloud Book for Memory-Challenged Adults артикул 4834a.
The Sunshine on My Face: A Read-Aloud Book for Memory-Challenged Adults артикул 4834a.

Book DescriptionYou wont find a simpler way to interact meaningfully and enjoyably with someone with memory impairment! Just sit down together, open this colorful and engaging book across both laps, and begin reading, reminiscing, and communing This read-aloud book is the perfect way for family members or friends to visit or for caregiving овкео staff to get to know residents In this innovative book, colorful illustrations accompany short, easy-to-read text that describes universally appealing experiences: feeling the warmth of the sun on your face, listening to music, watching children play, going for a ride in the countryside Pictures and text together will spark boundless opportunities to discuss and remember happy times and comforting experiences Styled with the appeal and simplicity of a childrens book but created for adult audiences, this first-of-its-kind Two-Lap Book™ can serve multiple purposes: Stimulate conversation and reminiscence Encourage physical closeness and interaction Provide a calming diversion from an upsetting episode Inspire intergenerational exchanges with children Increase social interaction between staff and residents Promote reading skills in residents who retaintheir literacy Reading the Sunshine on My Face is an instant activityno planning or preparation required Open it to a favorite illustration… read it from start to finish… or select just a page or two to spark an exchange Tips on howto promote engagement with the book are providedor just use your own creativity! Here is a natural and unlimited opportunity to rebuild connections for the person with dementia, stroke, multiple sclerosis, and related disorders.  Eliz   Аник   Иллю   XVII2004 г 32 стр ISBN 1932529098.

The Last Dance: Facing Alzheimer's With Love & Laughter артикул 4836a.
The Last Dance: Facing Alzheimer's With Love & Laughter артикул 4836a.

Book DescriptionA positive approach to dealing with Alzheimers Foreword by David Broder, The Washington Post Ann McLane Kuster began writing The Last Dance as the worlds longest email for friends and relatives Drawn from a series of taped conversations with her mother Susan McLane, on their "Fridays," Ann was tracing the овкес threads that had held her mothers life togetherfamily and politics Susan McLane has led a life of service, and made many wonderful contributionsover her twenty-five years in the NH State Legislature The friendships forged while advocating for the families and environment of New Hampshire continue to this day Susan and her family have taken a courageous approach to Alzheimers by openly sharing their struggles in hopes that others may find solace in knowing they are not alone The Last Dance is the McLane familys story about learning to "swim in the deep end of the lake" when the woman they all love best, their matriarch, Susan "Susie" McLane, slips away, one day at a time, to Alzheimers disease.  tuchkas   Thin   реда   2004 г 224 стр ISBN 1931807299.

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