I Want A Baby, He Doesn't: How Both Partners Can Make The Right Decision At The Right Time артикул 4812a.
I Want A Baby, He Doesn't: How Both Partners Can Make The Right Decision At The Right Time артикул 4812a.

Book DescriptionIt happens all too often: A couple falls in love, gets married, buys a home, and then-after the fact-they discuss having a baby At first he skirts the issue, and she knows from his body language that something is wrong; she confronts himand, lo and behold, he says the words that cause the biggest challenge their relationship has ever овкгъ faced: "I'm just not ready " Maybe he doesn't know if he'll ever be ready If you are in this situation-or fear you could be sometime in the near future-I Want a Baby, He Doesn't has the answers Author Donna J Wade-a woman who has been through the trials of wanting to have children with a husband who didn't-and Liberty Kovacs, a licensed marital therapist, offer unbiased, clinical adviceto help you and your partner reach the best possible resolution without destroying your relationship Whether a baby is in your future or not, I Want a Baby, He Doesn't is the one book you need to help you and your partner work out the issues and keep your relationship intact.  Украшение2005 г 221 стр ISBN 1593372876.