In Search of the Alzheimer's Wanderer: A Workbook to Protect Your Loved One артикул 4840a.
In Search of the Alzheimer's Wanderer: A Workbook to Protect Your Loved One артикул 4840a.

Book DescriptionEvery year there are more than 125,000 reports of people with Alzheimer's disease who wander away from their home or care facility and are unable to find their way back Statistics indicate that of these loved ones who are not found within 24 hours, approximately half do not survive Mark Warner has devised this workbook as an aid to овкжа gathering the information necessary to avert a personal disaster The book, sturdily bound and easy to use, is complete with the forms that need to be filledout and the pertinent questions that need to be asked to enhance the search for and discovery of a loved one in the event he/she wanders away With In Search of the Alzheimer's Wanderer, readers will have all the information they need in one placeto provide immediately to those who will be looking for their loved one, including the local law enforcement authorities.  Pedigre2005 г 100 стр ISBN 1557533997.